Aleksander gjoka biography of george

aleksander gjoka biography of george

Feston sot ditëlindjen, e gjeni dot sa vjeç mbush Aleksandër ...

  • In 2015, the well-known singer Aleksandër Gjoka was arrested by the police for driving drunk.
  • Alma Bektashi - Wikipedia

      Aleksander Gjoka është një këngëtar dhe autor këngësh shqiptar.
    When Alexander the Great died in Babylon in 323 BC, the king was mourned by his generals according to an ancient Pelasgian funerary ritual.
    Aleksandër Gjoka, një artist që ka ditur të ruajë vlerat e muzikës së mirëfilltë shqiptare, me zërin e tij karakteristik që herë pas here është quajtur si Vasco Rossi shqiptar, por që në fakt nuk ka asgjë më pak se i famshmi i italianëve, sot feston ditëlindjen e 63-të të jetës.
    The English is a bit shaky.

    Aleksander Gjoka biography -

      Aleksander Gjoka është një këngëtar dhe autor këngësh shqiptar.

    Rock music in Albania

    Albanian rock describes music in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and other Albanian-inhabited areas closely related to western rock. It has a wide variety of subgenres like pop rock, alternative rock, hard rock and metal.



    American and British influence marked Albanian rock music in its first steps.[1] The first known Albanian rock band was called Blue Star. They appeared in 1964 in Prishtinë and were later renamed as Modestët (The Modests).[2]


    In the beginning of the 1970s, the rock scene present in Mitrovicë, Kosovo (then Yugoslavia) was made of Albanian and Serbian bands. Some of these bands, like MAK[3] had both Albanian and Serbian musicians. Another bi-ethnic band was FAN also based in Mitrovicë. In 1978 the famous guitarist and composer Nexhat Macula formed one of the best Albanian rock bands of all time, called "TNT" in Mitrovica. Between 1978 and 2006 the band published ten albums.

    Rock music in Albania - Wikipedia

    Aleksandër Gjoka - Wikipedia

  • Aleksander Gjoka Bio and Facts Aleksander Gjoka is a well-known Albanian artist/band.
  • ‘Ditë Dimri’ nga zëri unik i Aleksandër Gjokës – KultPlus

      Aleksandër Gjoka, një artist që ka ditur të ruajë vlerat e muzikës së mirëfilltë shqiptare, me zërin e tij karakteristik që herë pas here është quajtur si Vasco Rossi shqiptar, por që në fakt nuk ka asgjë më pak se i famshmi i italianëve, sot feston ditëlindjen e të të jetës.

    Aleksander Gjoka – Kuturu Lyrics - Genius

  • Find biography and interesting facts of Aleksander Gjoka's career and personal life.
  • Aleksandër Gjoka - Tekste Shqip

  • George Gjoka.
  • Aleksander Gjoka's Biography And Facts' | Popnable

      Aleksandër Gjoka është këngëtar dhe tekstshkrues i njohur shqiptar.