Antonio riello ladies weapons used in ww1
Antonio Riello - Overview, News & Similar companies ...
- accessories for "sophisticated altern-modern" ladies.
Ladies Weapons - TiscaliNews
OT Gun Nutlesses: Antonio Riello's Ladies Weapons - NASIOC
LADIES WEAPONS - Antonio Riello
- Weapons from all over the World are used: American M16, Russian Kalashnikov, Israelian UZI, Italian Beretta and many others.
Ladies Weapons by Antonio Riello. When guns become a piece of art
Posted on December 23, 2014 in Reviews
TweetAntonio Riello, Valerie 1
Enthusiast of ambiguity, which recognizes artistic value, Riello faces weapons as a detached observer, forgetting the pre-judgment prevalent in contemporary society on this issue. His approach to the topic is that of the artist, an artist who likes to inject interferences within coded systems; the weapon, could be an AK 47 assault rifle, a UZI machine gun, a semi-automatic Beretta 92, a grenade launcher or a hand grenade, loses or, better, betrays its usual connotation to become a work of art. "Weapons are the focus of my current artistic research. Each artist has his obsessions; Morandi (this is just an example and not a comparison...) painted his still lives with vases and bottles, his way to read and interpret the world; I use the weapons in the same way. Let me explain: my work is an exercise (of course within the logic and metho
Antonio Riello - Wikitia
- In I decided to focus my artistic research mainly about a “fashion-fiction” visual story regarding an old passion of mine: weapons – objects full of symbolic senses.
I really hate sodding pink now – it used to be just a colour like any other – but not now! | |
The January 2001 issue of Hoard Magazine features a great article on Antonio Riello’s series of Ladies Weapons. | |
The book details the first battle of the First World War, the first Allied victory and the massive military humiliations Austria-Hungary. |
Antonio Riello - "Ladies weapons" | Exhibition | ArtFacts
- Hand grenades - obviously inert - come from surplus military of various armies.
Ladies Weapons: Antonio Riello, Jonathan Turner, Luca ...
Designer Ladies Weapons by Antonio Riello - TREND HUNTER