Joseph antenor firmin biography definition
Anténor Firmin - Wikiwand
- Joseph Auguste Anténor Firmin was born as the third generation of a post-independent Haiti in a working-class family.
Firmin, Anténor
Anténor Firmin was the author of a pioneering work in race and anthropology, De l’égalité des races humaines: Anthropologie positive (1885). He was perhaps the first anthropologist of African descent. Firmin was born into a working class family on October 18, 1850, in Cap Haitien in northern Haiti. His formal education was entirely in Haiti and included the study of the classics and exposure to the anthropological writings of European scholars. After studying law in Haiti, he became a successful advocate in Cap-Haitien; he later became a diplomat.
Firmin was a product of the third generation of post-independence Haitians who took justified pride in the heroic achievement of the world’s first black republic (Haiti became independent on January 1, 1804). While serving as a diplomat in Paris from 1884 to 1888, he was admitted to the Paris Anthropological Society, where he was one of three Haitians to observe their proceedings (though he was not encouraged to partic
Who was Anténor Firmin? – Embassy of Haiti
- Joseph Auguste Anténor Firmin (18 October – 19 September ), better known as Anténor Firmin, was a Haitian barrister and philosopher, pioneering anthropologist, journalist, and politician.
Firmin, Anténor -
Anténor Firmin - Wikipedia
- Joseph Auguste Anténor Firmin (), better known as Anténor Firmin, was a remarkable Haitian intellectual whose contributions to anthropology, journalism, and politics remain influential today.
Joseph Auguste Anténor Firmin (18 October 1850 – 19 September 1911), better known as Anténor Firmin, was a Haitian barrister and philosopher, pioneering anthropologist, journalist, and politician. | |
Born in Cap-Haitian on October 18, 1850 to a family of modest means, Joseph Auguste Anténor Firmin was a scholar, public servant and politician who left behind a vast collection of literary work in which he delved into patriotism, civic participation, moral leadership and other important political and philosophical questions about good governance. | |
Joseph Auguste Anténor Firmin was a scholar, public servant and politician who left behind a vast collection of literary work. |
Joseph Auguste Anténor Firmin (1850-1911) | WikiTree FREE ...
- Joseph Auguste Anténor Firmin was a Haitian scholar, politician and civil servant who is best known for his anthropological text published in , De l’égalité des races Humaines (On the Equality of Human Races).
Anténor Firmin (1850-1911) - Blackpast