Linda joy singleton biography wikipedia

linda joy singleton biography wikipedia

Author Linda Joy Singleton biography and book list

    Linda Joy Singleton (born October 29, ) [1] is an American writer of children's books, primarily of young adult fiction.

Snow Dog, Sand Dog: Singleton, Linda Joy, Golden, Jess ...

  • Linda Joy Singleton (born October 29, 1957) is an American writer of children's books, primarily of young adult fiction.
  • Linda Joy Singleton: books, biography, latest update -

  • Linda Joy Singleton (born October 29, 1957) [1] is an American writer of children's books, primarily of young adult fiction.
  • Judy Bolton Series - Wikipedia

      I’m the author of over 50 middle-grade, YA and picture books about magic, animals, psychics, mermaids, aliens, cheerleaders, clones, and ghosts.

    Linda Joy Singleton - Red Fox Literary

      The Seer Series is a paranormal young adult book series written by American novelist Linda Joy Singleton.

    The Seer (novel series)

    Not to be confused with The Seer (novel).

    The Seer Series is a paranormal young adult book series written by American novelist Linda Joy Singleton. There are six books in the series, the first being Don't Die Dragonfly. The first five books are published by Llewellyn Publications, but the last is published by Flux. Witch Ball, the third book in the series was selected as a Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) Quick Pick in 2007.[1]

    Plot summary

    Don't Die Dragonfly

    After being expelled from her old school because of her psychic gift Sabine Rose moves in with her grandmother Nona who also has a "gift". Sabine tries to hide her psychic powers from her family and friends, but has a hard time coming off as a normal teen when her psychic guide Opal always seems to be present in her mind. She has a job in the school newspaper, and her best friend Penny-Love is a cheerleader. Opal tells Sabine that an unnamed girl is in danger, an

    The Seer Series is a paranormal young adult book series written by American novelist Linda Joy Singleton.
    Author Biography I’m the author of over 50 middle-grade, YA and picture books about magic, animals, psychics, mermaids, aliens, cheerleaders, clones, and ghosts.
    Linda Joy Singleton is an American writer of children's books, primarily of young adult fiction.

    Linda Joy Singleton - Wikipedia

  • I started writing at 8 years old and when I speak to kids at schools or libraries I show them the stories I wrote as a child.
  • Jamie Suzanne - Wikipedia

    Margaret Sutton - Wikipedia

  • Linda Joy Singleton, née le 29 octobre à Portland dans l'Oregon, est une auteure américaine de littérature d'enfance et de jeunesse et de science-fiction.
  • Linda Joy Singleton — Wikipédia

      Linda Joy Singleton, née le 29 octobre 1957 à Portland dans l'Oregon, est une auteure américaine de littérature d'enfance et de jeunesse et de science-fiction.