Maximo diego pujol biography

maximo diego pujol biography

Biografía - Máximo Diego Pujol

    Máximo Diego Pujol (born 7 December 1957) is an Argentine classical guitarist and composer.
Máximo Diego Pujol - Wikipedia

Máximo Diego Pujol - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

  • That discovery, along with his father’s wish to listen to that old guitar again, led the eight year old Máximo to take lessons from Don Gaspar Navarro, his father’s patient, neighbor, and friend, as well as a fine tango and milonga player who taught all the children in the neighbourhood.At the tender age of nine Maximo performed at his.
  • Recordings - Máximo Diego Pujol

      Máximo Diego Pujol (born 7 December ) is an Argentine classical guitarist and composer.
    Life and career.
    Máximo Diego Pujol nació en 1957, en el tranquilo barrio de Villa Pueyrredón, en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Professional musician and composer, Pujol has strived for an ever-closer fusion of traditional Argentine Tango and formal academic concepts.

    Résumé — Máximo Diego Pujol

      Since his earliest days as a professional musician and composer, Pujol has strived for an ever-closer fusion of traditional Argentine Tango and formal academic concepts.

    Recordings by Maximo Diego Pujol | Now available to stream ...

  • Máximo Diego Pujol nació en , en el tranquilo barrio de Villa Pueyrredón, en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Biography

    It all started when Máximo discovered a guitar in a closet at his parents’ home in the quiet suburb of Villa Pueyrredon, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was almost inevitable in a place were tango was constantly floating in the air. The guitar was a memento of his father’s youthful career as a professional tango singer, an activity with which he continued to delight relatives and the patients at his dentistry practice. That discovery, along with his father’s wish to listen to that old guitar again, led the eight year old Máximo to take lessons from Don Gaspar Navarro, his father’s patient, neighbor, and friend, as well as a fine tango and milonga player who taught all the children in the neighbourhood.At the tender age of nine Maximo performed at his first concert in nearby Villa Martelli, and a few months later he surprises his mother on her birthday with a zamba of his own composition, written especially for her. The complicity of his father and his mother’s

    Works - Máximo Diego Pujol

  • Máximo Diego Pujol (Buenos Aires, 1957) graduated in the Juan José Castro Conservatory with the Superior Guitar Professor title.
  • Biography - Máximo Diego Pujol

  • Máximo Diego Pujol is celebrated today as an important composer, performer and teacher of guitar.
  • Máximo Diego Pujol – Wikipedia

      Máximo Diego Pujol es un guitarrista argentino de música clásica y compositor nacido en Buenos Aires en diciembre de Realizó sus estudios en el Conservatorio Provincial Juan José Castro.