Sallie ann glassman head cleansing oil

sallie ann glassman head cleansing oil

Island of Salvation Botanica | Explore Louisiana

    Sallie Ann Glassman owns and operates this special store.


  • Sallie Ann Glassman owns and operates this special store.
  • Dragons Blood Oil - Island of Salvation Botanica

  • The book is about Glassman's spiritual experiences and encounters with Vodou/Voodoo.
  • I went on a service trip in undergrad the spring after Katrina.
    There are as many misunderstandings of Sallie Ann Glassman as there are surrounding her chosen belief system: Vodou.
    Vodou priestess Sallie Ann Glassman performs a cleansing ritual on St. John's Eve on the bayou's Magnolia footbridge with participants all wearing white and.

    Newmakers: Joan Rivers to repay voodoo priestess

    Rivers to repay voodoo priestess

    When comedian Joan Rivers thought her New York apartment was haunted about 15 years ago, she called on New Orleans voodoo priestess Sallie Ann Glassman to perform a "spiritual cleansing" of the brownstone.

    Rivers says that Glassman "cleaned out my apartment" and that the experience was "unforgettable and extraordinary." Next month, Rivers is heading to New Orleans to return the favor. She'll host two stand-up shows benefiting Glassman's New Orleans Healing Center — an incubator for about two dozen businesses and organizations focused on what Glassman describes as the "environmental, spiritual, economic, cultural, emotional and physical healing of New Orleans" after Hurricane Katrina.

    Both performances at Cafe Istanbul, a performance hall, are sold out.

    Triumphant return for Newport festival

    The Newport Folk Festival, which has already sold out, returns to Rhode Island's Fort Adams State Par

    Sallie Ann Glassman - Wikipedia

    Sallie Ann Glassman recalls Joan Rivers' final New Orleans ...

  • Annual Traditional Voodoo Ceremony on Bayou St. John's Magnolia Bridge featuring a High Priestess and her followers.
  • Interview With A Vodou Priestess | Jason Pitzl-Waters - Patheos

      The Times Picayune interviews Sallie Ann Glassman, an initiated Vodou priestess who runs the Island of Salvation Botanica in New Orleans, and is author.

    The Gumbo of Vodou - New Orleans Magazine

      There are as many misunderstandings of Sallie Ann Glassman as there are surrounding her chosen belief system: Vodou.


      The Times Picayune interviews Sallie Ann Glassman, an initiated Vodou priestess who runs the Island of Salvation Botanica in New Orleans, and is author.

    Sallie Ann Glassman - A Practitioner of Haitian Vodou, a ...

  • "I think it's becoming more common in general that people come to the conclusion that there's some negative spirit or some curse on them, and that's surprising to me," says Sallie Ann.