Spiritual biographies

spiritual biographies

The Seven Storey Mountainby Thomas Merton

Merton was raised in a non-religious family. After studying at Cambridge and Columbia, he converted to Catholicism and eventually became a Trappist monk. Published in 1946, his book was one of the most famous and influential spiritual autobiographies of the 20th century. It remains a must-read for introspective, busy people who are looking for a sense of meaning in their lives. For Merton, that meaning was not found primarily in his education or intellect but in his monastic community.

(Please note: the next two books describe surviving genocide in detail. They are important reads but might be too disturbing for some readers.)

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Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Immaculee Ilibagiza

Must Read Christian Autobiographies (45 books) - Goodreads

    One of my goals this year has been to read more Christian biographies, especially those of believers who have suffered persecution for their faith and have stood firm under trials.

Top spiritual biographies | 15 Spiritual biographies to ...

    Spiritual autobiography is a genre of non-fiction prose that dominated Protestant writing during the seventeenth century, particularly in England, particularly that of Dissenters.
how to write a spiritual autobiography A list of biographies and autobiographies of realised Spiritual masters.
spiritual autobiography examples pdf 149 books based on 153 votes: Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott, The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton, Autobiography of a Yo.
best spiritual autobiographies I hope to collect more spiritual memoirs and autobiographies here as I read them, and write more on the ones I found the best.

Best Christian Biographies: Inspiring Journeys Of Faith And ...

    Memoirs, biographies, and autobiographies of spiritually inspiring people from all traditions.

5 Best Christian Biographies That Inspire and Uplift Your Faith

  • Spiritual autobiography is a genre of non-fiction prose that dominated Protestant writing during the seventeenth century, particularly in England, particularly.
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    10 Christian Biographies You Should Read Before You Die

  • Dive into faith and inspiration with the most recommended Christian biographies, hailed by top book blogs and publications for their powerful storytelling and spiritual depth.
  • Spiritual Biographies - Biography Online

  • 76 books based on 8 votes: Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, Be Here Now by Ram Dass, Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai La.
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      The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography by Sidney Poitier.

    51 Best Christian Biographies - Read This Twice

  • Explore our list of Spiritual Biography Books at Barnes & Noble®.