Video peter brabeck-letmathe water

video peter brabeck-letmathe water

重建:通过丰富的经验来展望未来 — 雀巢前董事长Peter Brabeck-Letmathe_品牌

    «Exclusive Interview with Nestlé's Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe»We are headed not only for a water crisis, but a global food crisis as well.

Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck Says We <i>Don't</i> Have a ...

    Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, a former chairman and CEO of Nestlé, said that water is not a human right.

Does Peter Brabeck-Letmathe believe that water is a human right?

  • «Exclusive Interview with Nestlé's Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe»We are headed not only for a water crisis, but a global food crisis as well.
  • The Internet (almost) exploded this week when Americans Against the Tea Party linked to a video with the title: "Nestlé Chairman: Water Not a Right, Should Be Given a 'Market Value' and Privatized." In it, Nestlé Chairman and former CEO Peter Brabeck suggests that declaring water a right is 'extreme' and asserts that water is a foodstuff best valued and distributed by the free market.

    Video below -- starts about at 2:00 mark.

    The rhetoric is admittedly absurd. But before we rip out our hair in a fit of #OccupyNestlé rage, let's talk back-story.

    The five-minute clip is part of a larger video about food security filmed in 2005. Every few months it surfaces, triggering a firestorm of criticism. This time, it even trended on Twitter.

    People were shocked at the inhumanity of Brabeck's statement, and rightly so. Taken at face value, the video appears to pit the world's largest seller of bottled water against the 783 million people struggling to access what little water

    12 Things We Learned from Chairman of Nestlé Peter Brabeck ...

  • Former Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe believes that water is a human right.
  • Nestlé's Peter Brabeck: Water is a Human Right - YouTube

    Nestlé's Peter Brabeck on the Water Challenge - YouTube

  • Exclusive Interview with Nestlé's Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe» We are headed not only for a water crisis, but a global food crisis as.
  • Earth's changing water cycle, and water for profit, are forcing changes across the globe.
    Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter.
    Degree in Economics, University of World Trade, Vienna.

    Water: A Global Crisis - The Diplomat

  • Filmed in at Nestlé Headquarters in Vevey, ns are available in English, French, German and Spanish.
  • Did the CEO of Nestlé Say Water Is Not a Human Right?

      Filmed in 2013 at Nestlé Headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland.Captions are available in English, French, German and Spanish.

    Nestlé CEO Peter Brabeck over drinkwater... - YouTube

      Meer op (vanaf minuut ) Nestlé CEO Peter Brabeck over water water is de allerbelangrijkste grondstof die we kunnen bedenken, en t.