Wu xiaoling biography of rory

wu xiaoling biography of rory

‪Xiaoling wu‬ - ‪Google 学术搜索‬ - Google Scholar

    Wu Xiaoling (born January , Chinese: 吴晓灵) is a native of Weiyuan, Sichuan Province, and a former graduate of the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China.
Wu Xiaoling - Wikipedia

Rory Sykes Biography - Biopedia

  • Wu Xiaoling (born January 1947, Chinese: 吴晓灵) is a native of Weiyuan, Sichuan Province, and a former graduate of the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China.
  • Wu Xiaoling - Wikiwand

      Wu Xiaoling: From a Girl to a Powerful Leader in China's Financial Sector In January , a girl named Wu Xiaoling was born in China, belonging to the Han ethnic group.

    Xiaolin Wu | IEEE Xplore Author Details

      In January 1947, a girl named Wu Xiaoling was born in China, belonging to the Han ethnic group.

    Xiaoling Wu - Loop

  • Rory Sykes Biography – Rory Callum Sykes was a notable Australian child star and inspirational speaker who gained recognition for overcoming significant physical challenges, including being born blind and living with cerebral palsy.
  • Xiaoling Wu | IEEE Xplore Author Details

      现任第十一届全国人大常委、财经委副主任委员, 中国金融学会常务副会长,中国金融会计学会会长,中国金融教育发展基金会理事长, 清华大学五道口金融学院理事长兼院长。 历任中国人民银行金融体制改革司副司长、政策研究室主任,国家外汇管理局副局长、局长,人民银行上海分行行长,中国人民银行副行长等职。 在中国人民大学等七所高校任兼职教授、博导。 著有《银行信用管理与货币供应》、《银行与企业债务重组问题研究》等著作和论文。 年获孙冶方经济学奖。 年、年被华尔街日报评为“全球最值得关注的50位商界女性”,年被福布斯评为“全球最有影响力的位女性”,年获CCTV中国经济年度人物奖。.

    Wu Xiaoling

    Chinese economist

    Wu Xiaoling (born January 1947, Chinese: 吴晓灵) is a native of Weiyuan, Sichuan Province, and a former graduate of the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China. She has held a long tenure at the People's Bank of China and is the inaugural female director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.


    Wu Xiaoling obtained a master's degree in economics from the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China (now the PBC School of Finance at Tsinghua University) in 1984 and subsequently remained in the institution as a researcher. In 1985, she was appointed deputy director of the Applied Theory Department at the Institute of the People's Bank of China, and then became deputy editor-in-chief of the Financial Times in 1988.[1] Since her return to the central bank in 1991, Wu has held positions as deputy director of the Department of Financial System Reform, director of the Policy Research Office, and both deputy an

    2009 Wu Xiaoling SP1 - World Press Photo

  • Liu Liehong was born in October 1968.
  • Future Pharmacology, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal.
    Mick Rory, in his debut as Heat Wave, as he appeared on the cover of The Flash #140 (November 1963 DC Comics).
    Ying WU | Cited by 1248 | of Southeast University (China), Nanjing (SEU) | Read 50 publications | Contact Ying WU.

    ‪Xiaolin Wu‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

  • Wu, Jhen-Long 2009.